Is there a Future in Telemedicine for Small Practices?
The year is 2030 and the days of small practices are coming to a tragic end, as the virtual capabilities of large and innovative health...

The Benefits of Being a Telemedicine Doc
Medical practices around the country are beginning to hear about the telemedicine craze and wondering: How could this help me? What is so...

Who Should Telemedicine Providers Vote For?
Which Candidate Has Earned The Vote Of Telehealth Providers? With jobs being such a hot-button issue in the 2016 presidential race, it is...

8 Reasons To Host A Virtual Visit
Physicians can sometimes be hesitant to begin hosting video visits because they are weary about just how effective the technology can be...

Lessons for Doctors from the Decline of Retail
This is a call to action for all doctors. Practice owners are now facing many of the challenges small retailers in America faced not too...

5 Golden Rules of Telemedicine
As payers and technology continue to develop in support of the rising trend of telemedicine, it is important for providers to understand...

The Cost of Offering Telemedicine
What will offering telemedicine to patients do to my bottom line? This is the concern that many of my discussions with doctors has...